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As a child, Renette Steele found little pleasure in reading but did like to write. It was only in her late 20’s, words hooked her from the pages of a book, and she discovered reading was fun, not tedious. Today, you rarely see Renette without a novel held within her fingers, but not merely for relaxation. Long-time alpha and beta reader for best-selling authors such as Karen Kingsbury, Mary Manner, Delia Latham, Renee Blare, and many others. A lover of short-stories, Renette loves to pen them and enter online contests to improve her writing skills and has managed to win one or two.
One of her talents is encouragement. She is a good cheerleader and prays you find a smile and Hope among her post.
You’ll find her on many adventures traversing the highways of the Rocky Mountains from Idaho to Colorado with her hubby, visiting her five grand-loves. When they return to their home in Montana, she’ll crack her knuckles and return to her short stories and devotionals . . . Which prayerfully are bringing honor to her Savior and Friend, Jesus Christ, our Lord.