Unwanted Gifts
Will the real writer please stand up?
“Well, who do we have here?”
“Grace, your honor”
“Grace, Grace, awe, yes, Grace, you are bestowed the gifts of voice, volume and imagination, use them well for His glory.”
I know we are each special and given our own unique gifts but what on earth is one to do with the gift to gab and do it loudly, to be able to dream on top of all that?
As a child my gifts seemed to get me into an awful lot of trouble, I spoke too loudly in class, often getting punished for talking too much. I remember once in kindergarten I got sent to the principal because I talked through nap time. Oh, I stayed on my rug, but my mouth just wouldn’t stay closed.
My grandpa once said,
“If you can go sit on that chair and sit still and be quiet for five minutes, I will pay you a quarter.”
That was the longest five minutes of my life, but I got my quarter.
“Well, who do we have here?”
“Grace, your honor.”
“Tell me Grace, why are you here?”
“Your honor, it seems my mouth and imagination, have gotten me into a fix once again.”
“Go on.”
“I was on my way home from the library, you know just walking down the street minding my own business, being about dusk, my mind making up all kinds of scenarios, suddenly I tripped over something. Letting out a blood-curdling scream, sprawled on the ground, I looked back to see a body.”
“A Body?”
“Yes, a body, I ran home, told my roommate I’d tripped over a murdered dead body on Hawthorne. That its executioner was after me. Before I could fully explain she was on the phone with the police. I tried to get her to hang up, but it was too late. I gave her my run down before the officers arrived. She was laughing so hard, but then realized we were in a fix.”
“I should say you are young lady. Proceed”
“Well, like I said, my imagination was running wild, it was almost dark, I was so caught off guard from the fall, I thought someone was out to get me, they had knocked me to the ground to do who knows what. I looked about, the body just lay there not moving, a bloody mess, then it twitched. That’s when I got up and ran for my life. The noises around me became spookier, I could only think whoever had done this was now after me. I could feel them following me, watching me. That’s what I get for reading murder mysteries before I leave work. Any way the Officers came, I told them my tale and here I am, in trouble for making a false report, only I didn’t my roommate did.”
“I see, why don’t you tell me more.”
“Okay, like I said I was walking home not paying any attention but dreaming about things. When I tripped. I screamed, a bunch of lights came on, I ran. It all happened so fast, yet, so slow. It all seemed so real. The murdered body lying there, the criminal not far away.
The truth of the matter is, well, I tripped over a cat who was stalking a mouse or I should say playing with a mouse, but I didn’t know that until the cat who’d hidden behind the garbage reached out and made the mouse twitch and in my defense the mouse was dead. My roommate panicked and called before I could stop her.”
“It is a crime to make a false report to the police, I suggest you learn to word your accounts a little more carefully. You have however been entertaining, I can see it was all a mistake. I suggest you learn to write your adventures in a book or tell them on stage rather than trouble us.”
So now I know what to do with the gift to gab, talk loudly and imagine all kinds of things.
I am a writer, a speaker, an entertainer for the LORD.
Renette Steele
Lady SONshine
What Gifts do you have?
How do you use them?